Uploading required supporting documents

1 min. readlast update: 06.12.2024

All applicants are required to provide supporting documentation as proof of all information entered in the 2024-25 ADEA AADSAS FAP Application and Submission Form.

To upload documents (which must be uploaded as one attachment), the applicant must complete the 2024-25 ADEA AADSAS FAP Application and Submission Form in its entirety and click on the “Upload Attachment” link on the last page. Applicants will have only one chance to complete the application and upload the attachment. 

Applicants can include as many documents as needed to prove their need for fee assistance, but all documents must be included in one attachment. Below are resources on how to create a PDF and combine documents to create one attachment. The file size limit is 100MB.

Tax Transcripts are NOT accepted and will result in a denial.

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